Category Archives: Computational Physics

22PHY106: Computational Physics (2022-23)

This post shall have all course related information for 2022-23 (Odd Semester) for both sections (AIE D and E)

Course Plan with Syllabus and Evaluation Pattern

GeoGebra 1: Introduction to Tools/Command in GeoGebra User Interface (UI)

GeoGebra 2: Programming Interface of GeoGebra

GeoGebra 3A: Drawing a Circle and Parametric Point on it using Programming Interface

GeoGebra 3B: Drawing a Hexagon using Programming Interface

GeoGebra 4: Vector Addition using Programming Interface and Parallelogram Law

GeoGebra 1

This is a short video tutorial explaining GeoGebra software/web application to draw standard shapes. The students should watch the below video and perform the following:

  1. Watch Video and Practice all the Commands/Tools in GeoGebra.
  2. Draw any shape or object or entity or part (using as many tools/commands) that you can think of. You can use your creativity and hence no two students should have similar looking drawing. You can also try to make a Geometric marvel!
  3. Save the GeoGebra drawing as a .png (image) file so that your drawing is seen entirely. If you have difficulty in saving .png file, you can also use “Print Screen” from your keyboard and paste the image in MS Paint and then save as .png.
  4. The image file name should be “AIE22XYZ.png”, which corresponds to your entry/registration number. If this is not followed, it shall not be considered for evaluation.
  5. The image file should be uploaded to Google Form at